Despite the 2021 diplomatic crisis between the two governments, German-Moroccan business-to-business relationships remained largely unaffected.
Despite the 2021 diplomatic crisis between the two governments, German-Moroccan business-to-business relationships remained largely unaffected.
Towards Mutually Beneficial Migration Partnerships: Reviewing EU-Morocco Migration Cooperation beyond Existing Areas of Engagement
The establishment of a permanent body for border security between Morocco and Spain, whose tasks include the management of irregular migration, is necessary to ensure the effectiveness and stability of cooperation.
In the short term, DSR may serve Morocco to strengthen its digital infrastructure, but the long-term repercussions may create serious risks of cyber espionage, mass data collection, and political leverage that should not be ignored.
At first glance, measures to develop Lagouira demonstrate Morocco’s keenness to develop its southern provinces, a deeper look shows other geopolitical dimensions.
Faced with EU’s incentives and pressure, Morocco seeks to strike a balance between cooperation and resistance on migration management
SANA Expert Briefing series—Webinar 4: Morocco's Foreign Policy
Morocco carefully navigated the Gulf crisis to protect its diplomatic and financial interests and it stands to benefit from its partial resolution
Although the tension between Morocco and Algeria has increased since the replacement of the Algerian president, it is unlikely that this will lead to a disruption of equilibrium that has existed in the Maghreb for decades
Morocco is positioning itself as a reliable mediator in the Libya conflict to bolster its international image as a regional stability provider, to check rival Algeria’s aspiration to become a regional hegemon and to improve its bilateral relations with Libya