Project Tanwir

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Project ‘TANWIR’


Based in Morocco, TANWIR (in Arabic means, enlightenment, among others) is a network of young independent and engaged researchers that seek to enlighten the large public on issues related to democracy (or lack of) in Morocco, to generate fresh, innovative and critical ideas on these questions, to train young activist/scholars and to provide advice to the non-government actors, government and civic institutions. This project is part of MIPA projects and is funded by the European Endowment of Democracy (EED).

The initiative aims to provide a platform for talented writers among young activists to share their views and analyses with a local and global audience. In addition, TANWIR plans to organize workshop training for twenty young researchers and activists and provide them with skills to produce timely, deep and effective policy analyses.

TANWIR also plans to organize an annual conference called “Rabat Policy Forum” which will bring together prominent scholars from Morocco and abroad to discuss an array of questions related to the situation of democracy in Morocco.

Finally, we intend to partner with other research and academic institutions inside and outside Morocco, which will enable the MIPA to acquire the best practices within the international research institutions and try to implement it in Morocco.


Objectives of Tanwir


TANWIR seeks to achieve the following two specific objectives:


  • Increase the public awareness of (pitfalls) of democratization in Morocco.
    • The activities proposed for this initiative are complementary and lean toward enhancing public’s awareness of the current political issues and how it will affect the democratization process in Morocco. Through online publications and events, TANWIR grants young activists and researchers a podium or tribune for public deliberation on questions related to democracy in Morocco.
  • Building a network of promising pro-democracy researchers.
    • This is a promising objective because it seeks to connect the nods of a loose network of young researchers and to institutionalize their activities. TANWIR endeavor to not only train young talented activists but also to build a database for researchers who combine activism and academic achievements.

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Moroccan Institute for Policy Analysis

MIPA is a non-profit independent research institution based in Rabat, Morocco. Founded by a group of transdisciplinary researchers, MIPA’s mission is to produce systematic and in-depth analysis of relevant policy issues that lead to new and innovative ideas for solving some of the most pressing issues relating to democracy.


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