Publication Guidelines

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The Moroccan Institute for Policy Analysis welcomes contributions from interested researchers. Papers should be original, in-depth analyses of current policy matters that take Morocco their case study and focus on one of the following topics:

  • Political and democratic transformation;
  • Political parties and constitutional institutions;
  • Institutional reforms (such Security Sector Reform, Justice Reform, etc.) and administrative modernization;
  • Economic reform;
  • New social and protest movements;
  • Islamist movements.

Papers should be written and submitted according to the following criteria:

  • Papers must be limited to a specific and well defined problem.
  • Papers should present a clear and well-supported argument.
  • Papers should be written in plain, concise and coherent language.
  • Papers should use footnotes for references;
  • Papers should be written either in English or Arabic.
  • Accepted papers are translated by the Institute from the language in which they are originally written (either Arabic or English) to the other working language of the Institute and the paper is published in both languages.
  • Papers should be submitted in word format.
  • Papers go through reviewing and an editing process according to MIPA’s internal regulations.

Please note the following:

  • We accept only original papers which are not previously published elsewhere.
  • Contributors receive an honorarium after the publication of their paper.

We welcome four types of publications:

  1. Policy Briefs

Policy briefs are short analytical documents which provide an analysis of a specific policy problem. They also make the case for choosing a specific course of action to deal with the discused problem as well attempt to convince the audience and stakeholder to adopt the suggested course of actions.

Policy analysis briefs should be written and submitted according to the following criteria:

  • They should be short analytical documents around 2000 words.
  • They should deal with a current policy problem that is relevant to Morocco.
  • They should highlight the different perspectives on the discussed problem.
  • They must be written in plain language and avoid academic and specialized jargon.
  • They must document the different sources used in the form of footnotes.
  1. Reports

Reports present the description, monitoring and tracking of events on a given phenomenon over a specified period of time (usually two years) and must meet the following requirements:

  • They should fall between 8000 4000 words. In exceptional cases, the Institute accepts longer reports.
  • The phenomenon that is subject of discussion in the report should be specific in time and place.
  • The observed facts relating to the discussed phenomenon should be presented in a chronological order.
  • The report should have an analytical dimension, not just a review of events.
  • The used sources and references must be documented in the form of footnotes.
  1. Research papers

This third type of papers is relatively longer and aim at researching an issue that is relevant to the Moroccan context (society, politics, religion and culture, etc.). Research papers must meet the following criteria:

  • They should be around 5000 words.
  • They should be divided into clear axes or sections and subsections.
  • They should include an executive summary and key words.
  • They should be rich in sources and references that must be documented in the form of footnotes.
  • They should be divided into clear axes or sections and subsections.
  1. Policy Papers

These are relatively long papers whose aim is the study of a political issue that falls within the research interests of the Institute. Research papers must meet the following conditions:

  • They should fall between 4000 and 2000 words.
  • They should address a policy issue or have a policy impact.
  • They should be authentic and characterized by novelty and quality.
  • They should be divided into clear axes or sections and subsections.
  • They should include an executive summary and key words.
  • They should be rich in sources and references that must be documented in the form of footnotes.

Publication Procedures

The Moroccan Institute for Policy Analysis adopts an internal methodology for the publication of papers. All submitted papers are subject to internal arbitration and are sent to the researcher for making the proposed modifications. Once the paper is accepted, it will be published on the Institute’s website in both English and Arabic.

Those wishing to publish with the Moroccan Institute for Policy Analysis should send a summary and outline of their proposed paper as well as their curriculum vitae to the Institute’s email:

Once the paper is approved, authors will be asked to submit the full paper in addition to the following:

  • A short bio notes of the researcher, highlighting their education and/or professional background as well as a list of their publications;
  • A recent photo of the researcher to be published along with the paper;

For any other inquiries concerning the publication procedure, please do not hesitate to get in touch at[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Moroccan Institute for Policy Analysis

MIPA is a non-profit independent research institution based in Rabat, Morocco. Founded by a group of transdisciplinary researchers, MIPA’s mission is to produce systematic and in-depth analysis of relevant policy issues that lead to new and innovative ideas for solving some of the most pressing issues relating to democracy.


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