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The Digital Transition In The EU’s Southern Neighbourhood: Progress, Obstacles And Opportunities
Avatar MIPA Institute04/03/202510294 min



The Digital Transition In The EU’s Southern Neighbourhood: Progress, Obstacles And Opportunities

Hosted by Moroccan Institute for Policy Analysis (MIPA)
Date & Time November 2nd, 2023– 4pm – 5.30pm CEST
Place Online


This public debate will discuss the EuroMeSCo policy study “The Digital Transition in EU’s Southern Neighbourhood: Progress, Obstacles and Opportunities”. Manuel Langendorf, the coordinator of the study, will present the main findings, which include fresh insights on the state of digital transformation in Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt. The event will also discuss recommendations for policy makers in the EU and beyond. Co-author Francesco Colin will present his in-depth findings on the state of data protection in the digital age in Morocco.

The authors will be joined by Nermine El Saadany, regional vice president for MENA at the Internet Society, who will discuss the study and share her assessment of the state of digital transformation in the region.

Her presentation will be followed by a Q&A and discussion on the topics discussed in the policy study.



16h00-16h10: Introduction

Hajar IDRISSI. Senior Fellow, MIPA.


16h10-16h25: Presentation of the Policy Study “The Digital Transition In The Eu’s Southern Neighbourhood: Progress, Obstacles And Opportunities”

Manuel LANGENDORF. Researcher and consultant


16h25-16h40: Presentation of the chapter “The Dark Side of the Digital Transition? Assessing Digitalisation Policies and Practices in Morocco from a Data Protection Perspective”

Francesco COLIN. PhD Researcher (ISS-EUR) and Senior Fellow MIPA.

16h40-16h55: Discussion of the main findings of the Policy Study

Nermine EL SAADANY. Vice-president for the MENA region, Internet Society.

16h55-17h30: Debate with the participants + Q&A


MIPA Institute

MIPA is a non-profit independent research institution based in Rabat, Morocco. Founded by a group of transdisciplinary researchers, MIPA’s mission is to produce systematic and in-depth analysis of relevant policy issues that lead to new and innovative ideas for solving some of the most pressing issues relating to democracy.